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Re: Password Authentication failed when using script

It appears this was the case as this issue has not happened again and i am unable to reproduce the issue myself as well.

Re: Password Authentication failed when using script

Hard to tell. Can you reproduce the problem? It could have been just a temporary issue on the server.

Password Authentication failed when using script

Wrote a script to automate file transfer. Last night the script did not finish and the log shows:
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.388 Server offered these authentication methods: password

. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.388 Prompt (password, "SSH password", <no instructions>, "&Password: ")
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.388 Using stored password.
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.388 Sent password
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.497 Password authentication failed
! 2020-08-19 22:00:02.497 Access denied
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.497 Server offered these authentication methods: password
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.497 Prompt (password, "SSH password", <no instructions>, "&Password: ")
. 2020-08-19 22:00:02.497 Disconnected: Unable to authenticate

Today running the same script works just fine no errors. Why would I get an error ? The password is simple and uses no special characters or numbers.