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Re: Reply

If you want to limit something, you need to impose the limit by the server software. There's no point imposing it by the client software, as you can hardly prevent the users from changing the limits locally or using completely other client software.


martin wrote:

Ricardo wrote:

I'm not an expert, but I think this should be made by your FTP server program or the Apache if you use it, but not by WinSCP. Please wait for an official answer. Thank you.


Hello prikryl: As I mentioned in my original post, I am using a commercial account for web hosting so I don't have possession of the actual apache server. I am confused by the comment "I think this should be made by your FTP server". I use winscp to tranfer files and thus consider it my ftp software. Please explain what you mean then by FTP server . . some different software?

Ricardo wrote:

I'm not an expert, but I think this should be made by your FTP server program or the Apache if you use it, but not by WinSCP. Please wait for an official answer. Thank you.


[...] I now need to provide two other IT people (with no ftp experience) limited ftp capability in which I wish to limit which file directories they can access. [...]

I'm not an expert, but I think this should be made by your FTP server program or the Apache if you use it, but not by WinSCP. Please wait for an official answer. Thank you.

Encrypted ftp with directory control


I work for a government entity and have been successfully using the WINSCP3. I use a Putty generated key which is on the actual computer used to ftp from. I have set up the account to only accept connections that use the pre-set authentication key. We have rented space on a commercial web server with our own dedicated IP. (php based website using Apache). They allow for the setup of ftp user accounts BUT if I use them the connection cannot be encrypted. The use of the website has expanded and I now need to provide two other IT people (with no ftp experience) limited ftp capability in which I wish to limit which file directories they can access. Is there a way to use WINSCP to do this? If not, is there any freeware available that can provide a way for me to control access via ftp while maintaining encryption? Any ideas are welcome.