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... Or if I could create a WinSCP.ini file that enables that value for all sessions, that would work too. Either way I just need it to be global.
Thanks again, and I apologize for the multiple posts - I've been reading through the documentation.


I was able to enable keepalives using the default value for sending a Null character, and the session stayed open much longer, which was the goal. My problem here is that WinSCP is being called from within another application, and I need to find a way to make that Keepalive setting a global setting. I did see the way to export the WinSCP.ini file after updating one connection with the keepalive setting, but I did not see that in the resulting WinSCP.ini file. If I could update the server's registry with that keepalive value such that all sessions get that setting, I would be all set. Thank you.

.. Continued

Also, Is there a way to set that in a global configuration file?


Hi. Currently my Keepalives are set to off. What do you recommend? Thank you for your reply.

Is it possible for WinSCP sessions to bypass the AIX user profile

I have a user with an extensive profile that causes WinSCP to disconnect after 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Moving the profile out of the way fixes this, but this invalidates the desired regular login profile. They do not wish to manually invoke it to use it. Are there any alternatives?