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Re: Script to download only the files with different time stamps,

I do not understand your script. Are you aware that the synchronize command not only compares, but also transfers the modified files? Why are you doing the synchronize local and then get? Can you explain? Is this by purpose or by mistake? Typically you would use only one of them.

Script to download only the files with different time stamps,

i have created a script which is supposed to download all the files from remote site,
and then when the batch is run once again, it is supposed to compare the files and only download the files with the latest timestamp.
Here is my script:
synchronize local D:\Reports\OL\ /
#Download only most updated
get -filemask="*>=1D" *

so basically it should compare and delete the files with same name and replace them with the new ones with new timestamp.

EDIT: My test showed that the files are being redownloaded everytime i run the script.

It this correct? thanks for your help.
