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Re: Converting Keep Local Files up to Date Command into something that runs on Windows startup

You see the command to run on your screenshot. Just replace the patterns with the actual session URL and paths.

WinSCP can actually do that for you:

Re: Converting Keep Local Files up to Date Command into something that runs on Windows startup

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I understand how to setup task scheduler but I'm struggling with how to turn the command/script that is in WinSCP into something I can run with task scheduler. That's the piece I'm missing.

Re: Converting Keep Local Files up to Date Command into something that runs on Windows startup

Use Windows Task Scheduler. It allows running a command "At Startup".

Converting Keep Local Files up to Date Command into something that runs on Windows startup

So I have a command that uses the "Keep local files up to Date" template. When I start it from within WinSCP and it runs the script, a power shell window popups up, it runs the commands and waits 24 hours to run the script again. This all works great until the computer is rebooted for updates or what ever reason. How do I turn this command script into something that (1) could be run on startup and (2) does not require the user to be logged in. I've attached a print screen of the command in WinSCP. Any help would be appreciated.