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Re: Command to change file format to pipe delimited and copy to S3 bucket

open s3://
put C:\FTPShare\*

Re: Command to change file format to pipe delimited and copy to S3 bucket

Thanks, but can you please suggest how to move it to the S3 bucket bypassing the conversion part?

Re: Command to change file format to pipe delimited and copy to S3 bucket

WinSCP is not file format conversion tool. You have to use other tool for that.

Command to change file format to pipe delimited and copy to S3 bucket

Hi All
I have the following script that gets the data from FTP server and copy it to my local drive.
option batch on
option confirm off
open ftp://username:password@FTPSITE/
cd /webpricingFTP/BC
option transfer binary
 get -preservetime *.csv C:\FTPShare\

What I am looking for is to change the file to a pipe delimited and copy to AWS S3 bucket, can someone please advice.