Thanks martin!
Running this, after some seconds of transferring I get a popup "Signature from server's host key is invalid" with detail message:
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "jp".
Authenticating with public key "eddsa-key-20210629".
Authentication failed.
WinSCP has written 3 trace files of 1 GB each. Already the first trace file contains a relevant error:
[19:16:02.837] [2074] [SecureShell.cpp:1690:TSecureShell::LogEvent] [Signature from server's host key is invalid]
[19:16:02.837] [2074] [SessionInfo.cpp:944:TSessionLog::Add] [Signature from server's host key is invalid] [5DABD38]
(How) Should I send you this 1GB trace file? It zip-compresses to 30 MB.
Does a trace contain information that I need to redact first?