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Re: Syncing files from AWS/Cloud to Dropbox without using disk space

WinSCP does not support direct access to Dropbox. Nor does WinSCP scripting support direct transfers between two remote locations.

Syncing files from AWS/Cloud to Dropbox without using disk space

Hi Guys,

You helped me a lot in the past to create a script that synchronizes call recording files from my Telephone System in AWS to the network drive, which has been working perfectly fine. I want however to amend the script so it synchronizes the files from AWS but this time to Dropbox, rather than to my NAS. I don't want to point the script to Dropbox folder on the PC, because the files also remain on the local hard drive once they are copied there, regardless of any Dropbox sync settings.

Below is the content of the original script:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script=SyncToLocalScript.txt

option batch abort
option confirm off
open sftp://admin:***************:2222
synchronize local \\NAS07ACC3\CallRecordings\recordings /mnt/backups

Is it possible to point WinSCP to Dropbox somehow?