Re: Problem with: keepuptodate
"When exactly did you create the new file?"
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
, while the "keepuptodate" is running, the updated file is not uploaded to the server?
command does not act in the mode:
, while the "keepuptodate" is running, the updated file is not uploaded to the server? How are you modifying the file? Can you post a log file?
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP>winscp
winscp> open scp:// -hostkey="ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=" -rawsettings FollowDirectorySymlinks=1 SendBuf=0 SshSimple=0
Buscando servidor...
Conectando al servidor...
Usando el nombre de usuario «Dixxxxxx».
Autentificando con la contraseña guardada.
Iniciando la sesión...
Sesión iniciada.
Sesión activa: [1]
winscp> keepuptodate \zdatos\SVR\Directorio /D/SVR/Clientes/zPruebas/Copias
Opciones de sincronización personalizadas, diferentes a las opciones por defecto.
Buscando cambios, pulse Ctrl-C para abortar...
Explorando «\zdatos\SVR\Directorio» en busca de subdirectorios...
Observando cambios en 1 directorios...