@Guest: How is it easier that the WinSCP Tunnel feature? It's pretty much the same, isn't it?
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
option or ProxyJump
, which is way easier to configure than using tunnels. Perhaps the next WinSCP version could also support this.
Maybe it could be a feature on an upcoming version of WinSCP? ;)
command of startup, the way you did it. However WinSCP cannot allocate pseudo-terminal, which means that ssh
cannot prompt user for password, etc. So it would work only with unencrypted private key, which is very restrictive. Any suggestions are appreciated.
file on the gateway to ssh to the fileserver.
) on every box I need to connect to with my private/key pairs set correctly so I do not have to type any password.
winbox.localnet.com> ssh johndoe@gateway.distantnet.com
gateway.distantnet.com> ssh johndoe@fileserver.distantnet.com
fileserver.distantnet.com> scp whateverfiles johndoe@linuxbox.localnet.com:/tmp