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Topic review


@roland: Please post log files both from WinSCP and FileZilla (a real log file, not the FileZilla GUI message log).

I got the same message when I transferred a large Zip Archive ~ 600MB. In my case, the message had nothing to do with free space. The target device still had enough free space to receive the same file 100 times. I continued the file transfer from the last position, but the file was corrupted afterwards. This issue is reproducible with version 6.3.4. I switched to Filezilla.
Graham Hardy

Classic error message

The error displayed means that you have insufficient space available on your file system or remote storage location.
Either increase the free space or perform house keeping so that you have enough space to accommodate the file copy.

Re: FileZilla worked

@AKTSG: Please post both WinSCP and FileZilla log files.

FileZilla worked

Got the same message, FileZilla worked fine uploading my files.

Yep didn't watch size of remote drive was problem with this for me.

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Este problema ocurre porque el servidor tiene llena la partición donde desea adicionar el archivo.

Translation: This problem occurs because the server has full the partition where you want to add the file.

Right solution

@Georgeis: Right solution, worked for me as well.

Full disc

I also encountered this and it was due to a full disc on the receiving server

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Please check the space on the target server.

Re: not enough memory

@me_2022: Thanks for sharing your findings.

Not enough disk space

For me the problem solved by deleting some files from remote server, and freeing up enough disk space for the file + additional space

I suffered the same issue by trying to run an Ubuntu VM, and finally when I copied to /VMFS/volumes/ on VMware ESXi datastore folder it allows to me to do it

Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

I had the same problem today copying files from my Windows 10 PC to my Ubuntu server.
The cause appeared to be a full physical disc ....

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Hi Martin;
Ok, thanks I'll try after this weekend.
I had shutdown the server and copied the files from the ESX 5.5 datastore and was leaving the server down until I copied the files over and brought it up under ESX 7. Since I couldn't get the files copied and do this month's change on the relocated VM, I have to bring it back up under 5.5.
The server is a WSUS server and have a change scheduled for this weekend to install updates. By Monday I can shut it down and try copying it.

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Can you try some more mainstream client, like OpenSSH or FileZilla?

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

I tried bitkinex323, coreftplite64 and the solarwinds voyager software. None of them would even connect to the datastore, not sure why and I didn't spend much time on them.
What I have noticed is that it gets to 266GB then stops with a lost connection message. When I try and restart the download I get the 'Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0' message. The file size is 1.1TB.
I was able to copy the file from ESX 5.5 datastore to a hard drive w/o any problems. But copying back to ESX 7.0 is giving me grief.
thank you...

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

So what other client did you try? How did you configure it? What error did you get?

Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Here is the message that appeared today:
Stack trace:
(00056FEE) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher

That was in an error message that popped up: "Invalid Access to memory". I've attached the log from the session.

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

I've tried a few other SFTP clients but the won't connect for some reason. I finally tried deleting the partial file transferred and started over from scratch yesterday. I came in this morning and about 160GB has copied over but WinSCP showed an out of memory error. I didn't save the log but will next time. Started it over again, had to delete the partial file.

Re: Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Please post session log file.
Can you upload the file using any other SFTP client? If you can, please post its verbose log file too.

Error: Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

Trying to copy a 1.1TB file from local hard drive to VMware datastore and getting the error:
Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0

I copied the file from a VMware 5.5 datastore w/o incident but copying it back to VMware 7.0.2 ESXi generates the error every few seconds.
Any way to fix this? Using WinSCP v5.19.5