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Topic review


Re: Keep Remote Directory Up to Date with Delete source file.

WinSCP does not have such functionality. The purpose of the "keepuptodate" is synchronizing the folders, while you are moving the files from local folder to the remote one.
You can loop your WinSCP move script, like this:
:retry /script=script.txt
goto retry

Though that's bit inefficient, as you will be authenticating over and over again.
More efficient would be to move to PowerShell and WinSCP .NET assembly.

Keep Remote Directory Up to Date with Delete source file.

I tried to use Keep remote Directory Up to Date with delete option but it delete the file from destination. I found that I can use
put -delete C:\source\* /dest/

to fulfill my requirement but I don't know how to run this with keep up to date option all the time.