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Sync 1:1

synchronize remote -delete C:\Users\userx\Desktop\S /home/shared/userx/S
synchronize local -delete C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R /home/shared/userx/R
synchronize remote -delete C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R1 /home/shared/userx/R1
synchronize local -delete C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R2 /home/shared/userx/R2

Seems like this does the job.

Sync 1:1

I have this script to send files either from SFTP to Local PC or vice versa. I want to achieve if I add new files to local folder and delete some old ones in that folder to sync with remote folder in 1:1 manner.
open sftp://username:password@ -hostkey="xxxxx"
option confirm off
option batch continue
synchronize remote C:\Users\userx\Desktop\S /home/shared/userx/S
synchronize local C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R /home/shared/userx/R
synchronize remote C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R1 /home/shared/userx/R1
synchronize local C:\Users\userx\Desktop\R2 /home/shared/userx/R2

Thanks for the help!