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Topic review

Thank You!

Thank you so much for helping with this. I was having trouble understanding the documentation. I will try it and see what happens. I figured out that the original files were encoded with BOM so it will be interesting to see if the switches remove the BOM encoding.

Again, thank you!

How to Enable Text Transfer & Turn off BOM

I have a script to upload files on a daily basis. The receiver has told me I am sending UFT-8 with BOM and they cannot support this. They are asking me to send with either UTF-8 without BOM or ANSI. I see in the documentation there is a text mode but I can't figure out how to disable BOM or force these options.

Can you assist me with how to accomplish what they are asking on the command line?

Below is my current script:
open sftp://site:PW;fingerprint=ssh-rsa-key=@siteaddress/Home/directory/tobank/  
put -nopreservetime -nopermissions -filemask="*>=today" \\func02\directory1\dir2\ApplicationOutput\PositivePay\*.pos /Home/bankdir/tobank/