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Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination

Indeed, this feature would be nice to have. Another possibility would be to first load a chunk of data and already show that whilst loading the other chunk(s).
Currently,one has to wait for the entire list to be loaded. However, this is done incrementally internally.
Hence, it would be possible to already show this data in the UI.

Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination

Thanks for the clarification. We will see, if more people ask for this.

Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination

Hello Martin,

thank you for your attention for my question and I would to find in WinSCP a possibility want WinSCP to load and display only part of the files (and then allow you to switch to other "pages")

With best wishes,

Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination

It is still not clear to me, if you want WinSCP to internally load the contents by pages (but then display all of them). Or if you want WinSCP to load and display only part of the files (and then allow you to switch to other "pages").

Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination


the problem that if the objects in bucket more than 1M with WinSCP a little bit difficult to work. And it will be very useful to have a possibility to split an output a objects listing, i.e. to have a pagination,

My question is how can I enable this option in WinSCP?

Thank you for your help and have a nice day,

Re: S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking for WinSCP to load only part of the bucket contents? Why?

S3 support question: list bucket(s) pagination


excuse me could you please clarify: is WinSCP 'S3 list bucket(s) pagination', the possibility to breack bucket(s) listing/output into multiple pages, supported and if so, how can I enable and/or configure it?

Thank you very much and have a nice day,

WinSCP version is 5.21.5 (Build 12858 2022-10-06)