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Re: How to delete all files in a directory except the three most recent?

A reference to what specifically?
Everything is in the documentation:

Re: How to delete all files in a directory except the three most recent?

I'm new in WinSCP. Is there any reference to help me?

Re: How to delete all files in a directory except the three most recent?

Well, not with the simple scripting.
But with use of WinSCP .NET assembly from a PowerShell (or other) script, it's doable.
Something like this (but not tested):
$oldFiles =
    $session.ListDirectory($path) |
        Where-Object { -Not $_.IsDirectory } |
        Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending |
        Select-Object -Skip 3
foreach ($oldFile in $oldFiles)

How to delete all files in a directory except the three most recent?

Hi guys.
I want a script to delete old files on the remote site but remain the last three files whatever age file is.
Is this possible?