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Re: Script does not like -latest or -neweronly

The screenshot is from Windows ftp commandline client. Not WinSCP. Make sure you run winscp, not ftp.

Script does not like -latest or -neweronly

Relatively new to WinSCP. I'm trying to create a batch process to download 2 files from an outside vendor. I've used the GUI with Generate Code, copy/pasted that into my scripts but it does not run. No errors, the call to the script file does not appear to start. I've tried using different methods my other uses (get -neweronly "/BBCS/W0444/448/*.CSV") or another attempt using -latest in place of -neweronly, and it treats those as file names indicating it cannot locate the files. See attached.

Thoughts? I'm doing basically the identical process to get a different file from same vendor and it works fine.

Version 5.21.8 and I'm needing to upload using FTP not SFTP.