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Topic review


I'm not sure your GUI errors are related to your batch errors.
I'd suggest you rather follow the debugging guide, I've posted earlier.

My apologies, I must be using the wrong terminology.
To me, there are two ways to run WinSCP. A batch file, which I've been using all the past years and the GUI, which I have been referring to as the "Console".
Is there a 3rd way to use WinSCP called Console?
At any rate, the above latest examples are from using the GUI. I thought that for debugging purposes, I would use the GUI instead of just using my old batch file process.
Thank you

Sorry, I'm lost. Those are GUI windows. Not console. What are you doing now? How did run WinSCP when you get those errors?

When I try to change the location of the two logging files, I get this error

Here's another error I've seen a few times

I switched to using the Console instead of a batch file for debugging purposes. Been running into lots of issues. The latest is this error deleting a file, which I've run into 3 times today. I checked the file and its not open by any other process. Its also not read-only. From File Explorer, I deleted it without any problem.

WinSCP Hangs

Been using WinSCP on an an old Windows Server 2012 Datacenter server in batch mode for about 6 years and it's been very stable and reliable, but for the past couple months, I've been having issues where it just hangs. I had been on version 5.9.2 for all these years and last week decided to upgrade to see if it made any difference. I'm now on 5.21.8 and still have the issue and it keeps getting worse. When it hangs, I stop the scheduled task, kill WinSCP from Task Manager, reboot the server and start the task again.
The task runs 5 days a week and there can be anywhere from a couple dozen files up to well over 10,000 that need to be synchronized. There is absolutely no pattern to when it hangs.

Here is my script file (with sensitive data masked):
# Set option to skip/ignore missing files, echo on
option batch continue
option echo on
# List all current options for this run
# Open the connection to sssss WebDAV
open -timeout=120
# Preivew files to be downloaded or deleted
# synchronize local X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\P0301\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0 /webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0 -preview
# Sync local data store with Dest
synchronize local X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\P0301\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0 /webdav/Formulary/FBS_3_0 -delete -criteria=either
# Hasta Lavista baby

WinSCP is executed from a batch file and the output is redirected to a txt file.
Is there any way to debug what is happening? Any ideas why it just hangs?

Thank you