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Re: Using WinSCP Windows app with Digital Ocean Spaces

Indeed, make sure you do not include the space/bucket name in the hostname. The hostname should be like, not WinSCP adds the bucket subdomain on its own.

Re: Using WinScp Windows app with Digital Ocean Spaces

Update - fixed!

WinSCP doesn't want the endpoint that DO provides for the Space
DO gives you this:
Don't use that as the host. Use this
as the WinSCP host name.

Your id and key lead WinSCP to the right DO bucket.

If you want to, put a folder (ie /images in the Remote Directory) – or just navigate there after WinSCP establishes the connection.

Using WinSCP Windows app with Digital Ocean Spaces

I'm trying to use the WinSCP Windows app to connect to Digital Spaces. I can get it to connect, but when uploading it says, "Specify target bucket."

I've every combination possible of using the DO Spaces name and folder name as the "remote directory" name – nothing works. I've tried:


I am able to successfully upload and download with CyberDuck – so I know the Spaces account is working correctly otherwise.

What am I missing? Thank you very much.