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Topic review


What does it mean "export into WinSCP"? If I understand your post correctly, you are seeing "random (but syntanticaly valid) changes to the throughout contents of the file", right? Then it can be hardly WinSCP's doing.

We have set up an export for a txt file that exports a datatable from Salesforce Marketiing (it doesn't allow me to post this word written correctly cause it views it as spam) cloud into WinSCP, however, the table extracted does not match the one directly into the source with small differences (example table 200 number will be exported as 202 (+-1/2)

Re: SFTP has small discrepancies in uploaded file

I do not know "Mark. cloud", neither I understand what you mean by "240 opens". So it's not easy to give an answer. We need more technical description of the changes in the file. Is the content truncated? Or are you seeing random (but syntanticaly valid) changes to the throughout contents of the file?

SFTP has small discrepancies in uploaded file

Hi, we are using version 5.19.5, we use it to extract a file from Mark. cloud containing email statistics (opens, bounces etc.). However we keep seeing small discrepancies between data (example. 240 opens instead of 230), sends are always correct. What can be the issue?