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Re: OpenSSH Server

Sorry, but do not provide support for OpenSSH here. Please ask elsewhere. For example, at Super User.

OpenSSH Server

How do I specify where I want OpenSSH Server to store the files I upload to it? Presumably it would keep track of a separate “root” folder for each user account, correct? But how I do know what physical folder that is on my PC? I need to know where to look after uploads to see if they worked correctly.

Do I need to put some kind of entry in an OpenSSH Server configuration file?

Re: How to Configure OpenSSH Server for Use with WinSCP

Perfect! The best possible answer! I was taken aback when I saw their configuration instructions. I assume those were for rarely encountered edge cases.


Re: How to Configure OpenSSH Server for Use with WinSCP

I assume you have installed the Microsoft Win32-OpenSSH server. It should work straight away. There's no specific setting that you need to configure to be able to use it with WinSCP.

See also our guide Installing SFTP/SSH Server on Windows using OpenSSH.

How to Configure OpenSSH Server for Use with WinSCP

I’ve installed the OpenSSH Server on my Windows machine so I can test a new PowerShell script that will upload files to an SFTP server.

In searching for info on how to configure the OpenSSH Server, I found the Web page at I’m unclear which (if any) of the configuration options are needed for WinSCP’s .NET Assembly to connect.

The Web hosting company whose server I will eventually be connecting to has specified ID/password authentication (i.e., not public/private keys).

Here’s my system information:

WinSCP Version: 6.1
Windows Version: Windows 10, version 22H2 (OS Build 19045-2965)
Transfer Protocol: SFTP

Using PowerShell scripting.

Errors: None, this is a query on how to configure OpenSSH Server

WinSCP Command Line: None. Will be connecting to server thru the
.NET Assembly.

Can you tell me what configuration settings I should use for connecting to the OpenSSH Server thru the WinSCP .NET assembly? Or, even better, do you have a working example?