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Re: Cannot connect to SFTP server with WinSCP 6.1, from a computer running Windows 11

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Cannot connect to SFTP server with WinSCP 6.1, from a computer running Windows 11


I have an older computer running Windows Server 2008 with an older version of WinSCP (installed in 2017). On this computer, I can connect to a remote SFTP server successfully.

In the same network (behind the same firewall, router), I now added a new computer running Windows 11, and I just installed WinSCP 6.1 on it; however, on this new computer I cannot connect to the same SFTP server with the same IP address and same username + password. Same port number (22) as well.

I have triple-checked the username and password many times so I know they are correct. However, when I try to connect, it always give the "Access Denied" error.

I have searched around but did not find an answer. Can someone here provide any ideas? Much appreciated!
