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Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases


Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

It's on the edge between bug and feature :)
It is not configurable.
I'll think about it.

v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit - debug log

Hi Martin,

If this is still relevant, please fint the attached log file (debug-1).
I've changed speed during the copying of 2 identical files in a sequence 5000-7500-10000-12500-15000 (manually).

Happy Juhannus,

Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

Aha, interesting. Is it actually a bug, or a feature? I mean, if this a feature, is it any way to switch to a more "classic" way?

P.S. Copying is still ongoing and I do not want to touch it. I'll make some test and debug-1 recordings, when it's done (which seems to be ~Sunday). Things are going slower than expected.

Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

Ok, I see. The speed limit applied to each connection separately. As you have two parallel connections, the limit is actually doubled.

Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

Regarding log-file: I will be able to do that later this week (there are some stuff still copying and I do not want to interrupt the process right now).
Screenshot attached. Speed was indeed ~40 MB/s (confirmed on the router).

Meanwhile, I've tested on another computer with the same version of WinSCP and Windows - behavior was the same (also S3). Interesting thing is that after I left computers for ~1 hour (i.e. on both of them monitors went to sleep, but computers were working in the background), one of the computers started to show correct numbers, i.e. 20000 = 20000 and so on. Second one still shows the buggy values.

P.S. Other protocols are not tested yet.

Re: v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

Thanks for your report. Though I cannot reproduce the problem. If I set speed limit to "1000", I get 1MB/s, as expected. Can you please post some screenshot and Debug 1-level log file documenting the problem? Do you see the problem with S3 only? Or with any protocol?

v.6.1: minor UI bug with the speed limit and indication in some cases

Severity: minor/cosmetic
Software info:

    Version of WinSCP: v.6.1, build 13674
    Windows version: 10 22H2, build 19045.3086
    Transfer protocol: S3
    Software is used through GUI, Command style.
    No error message, just wrong values set/displayed.

What happens:
When data is uploaded in the backround (queued) and speed throttling is enabled, whatever speed limit I set, the actual limit will be 2x of that value. E.g. if I set 10000 KB/s, actual limit will be 20000 KB/s and so on. I can see that the actual transfer speed is 20000 KB/s in the UI ("Speed" field) and it is also confirmed through the router interface monitoring. Other than that, copying of the data works OK.