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How to check if there is a file in certain folders and send to a specific email with the attachments

Hello, everyone,
I am asking for your help because I do not understand and do not know how to handle a task.
We have recently had to use WinSCP in the office, on the right side of the screen there are directories, in specific folders there are files that we receive. Every time (every day) I have to open the program and check if there are any new files received. Then download them to my computer using drag and drop.
This is killing me and I was wondering if there was a way, for these scripts you're talking about, if there was an option somewhere that I could put something that would check exactly 3 specific folders and if there's an incoming file there, attach it and give it to me send the file(s) to specified email?
I would be grateful if you could assist me in any way.
I have no idea how things can work out!