Invalid access to memory - System::FillChar
I made some file transfer, then left connection open but idle in background.
Connection was via a SSH port-forward using SOCKS proxy.
Later the SOCKS proxy closed unexpectedly, so the connection was lost.
When I return to computer 6-7 hours later the error message was popup on the screen.
WinSCP 6.3.5
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(002A57E3) System::FillChar
(00E24572) C6612_0
(00E265DA) ____ExceptionHandler
(00E23394) __ExceptionHandler
(00098F2F) ntdll.dll
(000781B1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0054304F) Vcl::Imaging::Pngimage::TChunkIHDR::Assign
The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.
Connection was via a SSH port-forward using SOCKS proxy.
Later the SOCKS proxy closed unexpectedly, so the connection was lost.
When I return to computer 6-7 hours later the error message was popup on the screen.
WinSCP 6.3.5
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(002A57E3) System::FillChar
(00E24572) C6612_0
(00E265DA) ____ExceptionHandler
(00E23394) __ExceptionHandler
(00098F2F) ntdll.dll
(000781B1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0054304F) Vcl::Imaging::Pngimage::TChunkIHDR::Assign
The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.