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Topic review


Thank you Martin. I kept looking in the main window for any kind of export/import configuration function and couldn't find it.

Re: Transfer Settings?

Having WinSCP.ini file in C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP is a strange setup. It can work only if you run WinSCP as Administrator. If that's the case (on both machines), then you can indeed just copy the file over.

Otherwise, see:

Transfer Settings?

I have WinSCP version 5.21.18 on a server and just installed the latest version 6.1.2 on another server. Is it possible to transfer all the settings on the old server to the new one?
I see the WinSCP.ini file in C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP on the old server. Is it as simple as copying that file over?
Thank you