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Topic review


Thank you very much for implementing this! (in v 6.2.1 beta 12-05-2023) – However it's not clear how one is to enable this (ie turn it on).

(I see in the change logs it shows as OPTIONAL:
Optional more prominent active session tab.

But I can't find where to enable it, I'm on the beta version and verified from the about menu that I'm on the correct version, and I've gone through every page of the settings and don't see the option to turn this on).
Please let us know – thanks!

Re: Increase tab contrast

Bold would probably work just fine.

No, I do not have the high contrast option on. It doesn't work well for me. In WinSCP it actually removes the small amount of contrast that was in the tabs. I only have trouble with some color combinations(such as red text on black background) and tabs. In Chrome I use a black/grey theme which gets me enough contrast in the tabs.


Re: Increase tab contrast

What about bold caption of the tab?

Btw do you have a high contrast Windows option on? Maybe if that option is on, WinSCP could default to a more prominent active tab (whatever that will be in the end).

Re: Increase tab contrast

Drawing your own tabs seems like a lot work. Might be worth it.
Perhaps you could use a different icon in the tab. or change the font, or prepend the string
"(active)" to the tab.

Re: Increase tab contrast

I'm sorry, but it's a standard Windows tab control. WinSCP does not paint it. Windows does. If it is not accessible enough, Microsoft is to be blamed.
It's somewhat related to:
Issue 1806 – Dark theme for session tabs
... as the tabs are not dark in the dark mode for the same reason.
So both problems would require WinSCP to draw its own tabs instead of using the standard Windows ones. I'll consider that.

Increase tab contrast

It is difficult for people with lower vision to see which tab is the active tab especially when I have several tabs open. Could be default or a setting.