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Re: Simple upload fails

Thank you. That was helpful and I discovered that late yesterday as well. Actually the log then showed it had failed on authentication and I had to add a pass key manually which IONOS server accepted.


Simple upload fails

Basic scenario:
I want to load a single file to an IONOS website – previously used WGET. Now set up the excellent WinSCP and console operation on SFTP is fine – so thank you.

But using a simple cmd or bat file opens the connection but won’t add the test file. This is my ultra simple file: s
put t1.txt

Running the file opens the connection but doesn’t upload the file. However…..
the DOS box is open and if I now type: put t1.txt – success.

I’m obviously doing something stupid but a little help would be appreciated as I also want to add a delete command for the remote file before adding the latest one.
