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Re: Can I use a variable to repeat a get -filemask destination path

You can set an environment variable in the parent batch file:
set DESTINATION=\\\fixeddestination\

and use it in WinSCP script like:
get fileA*.txt>today %DESTINATION%

(Note that in your script the empty -filemask is redundant)

Another option is:
Upload to multiple servers / Parametrized script

Or you can just change the remote working directory:
cd \\\fixeddestination\
get fileA*.txt>today
get fileB*.txt>today
get fileC*.txt>today

Or specify the multiple sources in one command:
get fileA*.txt>today fileB*.txt>today fileC*.txt>today \\\fixeddestination\

Or even simplify the mask using set pattern to:
get file[ABC]*.txt>today \\\fixeddestination\

Can I use a variable to repeat a get -filemask destination path

I have
get -filemask fileA*.txt>today \\\fixeddestination\
get -filemask fileB*.txt>today \\\fixeddestination\
get -filemask fileC*.txt>today \\\fixeddestination\

Does a way exist to declare the path \\\fixeddestination\ just once as in:-
var destination = \\\fixeddestination\

enabling me to write
get -filemask fileA*.txt>today destination\