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Topic review


Re: Okay here is how you do it


In general, easiest is to have WinSCP GUI generate the commandline for you:

Okay here is how you do it

Okay I burned a brain and finger calories solving the puzzle and answer what others are looking for here.

You have to add -certificate=* at the end of the path after the open command so:
/log=c:\path\winscp.log /command "open s -certificate=*" "put d:\examplefile.txt /home/user/" "exit"

Documentation not clear

The documentation doesn't clearly show people how to use -certificate in conjunction with open to auto accept certificates...

I tried 4 variations so far and it does not work.

Here is your example arguments with scheduled tasks:
/log=c:\path\winscp.log /command "open s" "put d:\examplefile.txt /home/user/" "exit"

Where do you plug -certificate?

Re: auto answer host key question in a script

When looking at the open command in the docs, there is no "reply with quote". So just how do you solve the issue with having to put the certificate into the open command, when scripting?

Auto answer host key question in a script

I am trying to build a script so I can execute this under the task scheduler on the Windows server.
When I execute the open, winscp shows my the server fingerprint and then ask me if I trust this host enter 'Y'es,'N'o, C'a'ncel or 'C'opy and it automatically selects 'a' for cancel. How can I get the 'N' accepted or even skip over this question.

The server's host key was not found in the cache. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 49:f7:11:87:19:a4:9c:5d:9b:cc:88:34:40:ba:5b:87
If you trust this host, press Yes. To connect without adding host key to the cache, press No. To abandon the connection
ss Cancel.
Continue connecting and add host key to the cache?
(Y)es, (N)o, C(a)ncel, (C)opy Key: Cancel