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Topic review


Thx a lot! :)


I have added this issue to the tracker:
Issue 2242 – Cannot browse long local paths

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Yes I can see the files

Because you unpacked the archive in the root of the disk. For this reason, the path to the files is much shorter than in my case.
Could you put the archive in the path:
Disk D > Install > Форум > Интернет Магазины > OpenCart > Плагины и модули > SEK URL Generator PRO для OpenCart 2x & 3.x - Translit

... and then unpack it and check.. can you see files?

Yes I can see the files.

Though your ZIP files contain long names, contrary to your screenshot with a short name (SE*-UR~1).

Can you either (or both): send me a ZIP of complete exact directory structure necessary to reproduce the problem – or the trace log from the debug version I've sent you?

This is caused due to long path.
I archived the folder that I tried to open in the program. Unpack it and try to open the files along the path:
se*-url-generator-pro__unzip-me__v3.5.4 >>>
se*-url-generator-pro__unzip-me__v3.5.4 >>>
install-files >>>
2.3 >>>
* unpacked SE*-URL-GeneratorPRO_for-OpenCart_2.3.ocmod * >>>
open folder >>>
upload >>>
admin >>>
view >>>
template >>>
extension >>>
module >>>

You can see files se*_url_generator.tpl and se*_url_generator_generate.tpl ?

WinSCP Dev version

Re: WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

See attached files pls

Re: WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

martin wrote:

When it happens, is it always the right panel? Can you see the missing files in the same directory in the local panel?

Sometimes. Maybe this is due to the fact that the program cannot display files if the path to them is long? I don`t know.

martin wrote:

Is the problem that the panel is completely empty? Does it always lacks even the ..? Or are just some files sometime missing and some visible?

If there is a problem with the folder, it is always empty.

martin wrote:

Is the D: local or network drive?

Disk "D"

Re: WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

When it happens, is it always the right panel? Can you see the missing files in the same directory in the local panel?
Is the problem that the panel is completely empty? Does it always lacks even the ..? Or are just some files sometime missing and some visible?
Is the D: local or network drive?

This issue is not dependent on the file type. I have encountered this problem when attempting to view various types of files, including PHP.

WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

WinSCP sometimes it doesn't show files

P.S. I restarted the program and computer. It does not help.