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Topic review


GUI transfers fine, script throws timeout detected connection control

WinSCP version 6.1.2
Windows Server 2022

Hello, I'm trying to automate a transfer of a small website. When using the GUI, I simply select the entire contents of the folder and click download. The "Download" window appears, I make no changes and click OK. The "Downloading" window appears and it works perfect every time.

I then invoke the following command:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /log=c:\temp\winscp-script-log.txt /script=c:\batch\winscp-script2.txt

lcd "C:\batch\public_html"
get /public_html/*

The consistent result is that the files start to transfer and after 1 to 30 files transfer, the following error is returned:
.htaccess                 |          731 B |    1.1 KB/s | binary | 100%

Lost connection.
Timeout detected. (control connection)
Copying files from remote side failed.
(A)bort, (R)econnect (0 s):

I've scoured the forums and the most frequent diagnosis is a firewall issue. Given that the GUI works perfectly everytime, is that still the recommendation? I've also checked the on-prem firewall and do not see any blocked or aborted sessions.

Attached is the session log.