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Topic review


I found out what was causing the issue. I had a bad timeout number set. I adjusted it to a better value and now it is working instantly.

The GUI is basically instant connection. I was using the Renci library and that also connects really fast. I was planning on swapping from Renci to WinSCP due to the flexibility it provides.

Re: Taking about 30 seconds to establish an SFTP Connection

Is the connection faster in GUI? If it is, post session (not debug) logs both from GUI and your code.
If the GUI connection is slow too, is it faster in any other SFTP client?

Taking about 30 seconds to establish an SFTP Connection


I am using the library version 6.1.2. It seems to take about 30 seconds for the .Open() to create a connection. Then when I try to grab a file, it takes about 20 seconds.

When I look at the DebugLogPath file, it looks like there is a lot of looping going on. Any suggestions on what may be causing the issue?
SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
    Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
    HostName = _host,
    UserName = _user,
    PortNumber = _port,
    SshHostKeyFingerprint = _fingerPrint,
    SshPrivateKeyPath = _localKeyPath,
    TimeoutInMilliseconds = _timeOut