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Hello, I'm not getting a script. I've attached a video of what happens when I try.

Can you post log from the script?

Connecting to the /dav/ folder directly gives me this error:

Connecting to host...
Access denied.
Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: rejected Digest challenge
Connection failed.

I've attached the log file from the

Re: Error using scripting when connecting to a WebDAV server

It would help, if you post the working GUI log too.
But I'd try to include the /dav to the URL in the open command:
open davs://

Error using scripting when connecting to a WebDAV server


I'm trying to use scripting to put a file to a remote server using WebDAV. I think that it's something to do with root permissions, but I can't find a way round it. It is fine using the GUI. The script that I'm using to connect is :-
open davs://

This connects successfully. I then cannot change to the dav folder, :-
Error changing directory to '/dav/'.

Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: rejected Digest challenge

or put any files from my local folder. :-
winscp> lcd \\sr0004tol\shared\Hourly_Dashboard

winscp> put *
dashboard.txt             |          279 B |    0.6 KB/s | binary | 100%
Error transferring file 'dashboard.txt'.
404 Not Found
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip, Ski(p) all:
If I try to connect to open davs://
Access denied.
Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: rejected Digest challenge
Connection failed.

I've attached a log file, apologies as I've tried many times.