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Topic review


@soggi: Thanks for your generous donation!

To give you some feedback @martin:

WinSCP 6.3.2 works again on Windows XP, many thanks for fixing the issue!

I donated 50,- US$ for the great support and work over the years (decades), thx again!

kind regards

Re: WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

WinSCP 6.3.2 has been released already.

Re: WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

As @martin said above, the issue is already fixed!
But the fix isn't released yet (see

kind regards

Any update?

Thx @martin, I‘ll consider to add 5.0.6 beta to my website. But first I‘ll correct the version information and add the setup versions to the already existing portable versions.

kind regards

There are lot of differences between 4.4.0 and 5.0.6. So it is probably worth keeping both.

Thanks for your replies and the fix, @martin!

It's really great that you could fix the issue and extend the support of Windows XP – WinSCP is one of the last great/classic tools which still supports WinXP (at least). The exact and transparent bug tracker is also awesome.

Huh...I actually can't recapitulate where I got the version "4.40" exactly from (instead of 4.4.0), referring to the Wayback Machine it wasn't the official WinSCP website itself (there it says "WinSCP 4.4.0 released")...I seem to recall that it was somewhere here in the forums when I was searching for the latest Win9x compatible version. Nevertheless I will change this, thx!

I guess, I chose to not mirror the latest beta 5.0.6 back then (when I added the mirrored versions) because version 4.4.0 was released on 2013/01/28 and the former on 2012/02/29, nearly a year earlier. Is it worth it to have 5.0.6 beta also mirrored despite of that?

As said above, keep on the excellent work!

kind regards

WinSCP 6.3(.1) doesn't start on WinXP

WinSCP 6.3 and 6.3.1 don't start on WinXP (SP3).

Instantly after double-clicking the WinSCP.exe I just get a message box saying
Die Anwendung wurde mit STRG+C unterbrochen

(German for "The application was interrupted with STRG+C"), see the attachment below.

Is it intended to keep the support for Windows XP (Server 2003... and Vista / Server 2008) alive? That would be great! Let me, let us know... The retro/legacy computer community would be very grateful!

--- a bit off-topic ---

  • The latest version for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME is 4.40!?
  • The latest version for Windows 2000 is 5.1.8!?

I mirrored these versions on my website ( together with other software's old versions as they are not easy to find these days.

Thanks in advance and keep on the great work!
soggi :-)