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I reread your reply. Clicking the X on the open tab on the upper left side does exactly what I want.
Thanks again. It takes me awhile, but I get there.:)


Thanks for replying! Your reply was part of the answer, and it pointed me in the right direction. I now see how to do what I wanted in the original post. Click on Tabs, then Disconnect, then Tabs again, and Sites.

If you did nothing, this works perfect. If you wanted, a Disconnect button over the remote pane would be nice, perhaps with a drop down to choose Disconnect, or Disconnect and Sites (one click).

Your suggestion "enable Do not change state when switching sessions in Local panel" applies too.

Thanks again!

Re: Change client

If I understand you correctly, you want to keep the local/left panel unchanged while opening new session in remote/right panel.
To do that, in preferences, enable Do not change state when switching sessions in Local panel preferences:
Then after you close the tab/session, a Login dialog pops up, and once you open a new session, the left/local panel stays at it was and you will have new session/server in the right/remote panel.

Change client

New here. I have been using WinSCP to manage several piCorePlayers.

Obviously the left screen is my local PC and the right screen is the remote client. I state this in case my terminology is wrong, at least you know what I mean.

After completing changes in a session, can I open a different client (IP), REPLACE the current remote IP?

So far, I see how to add a new tab (I don't want to do that as I am old and get confused easily with multiple open sessions) or close WinSCP and restart it. I have all of my players IP's and passwords saved in WinSCP.

I am guessing there is that option, but there are so many options, I can't find it.
