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Topic review


In addition to Martin, I don't know how that works with zap hosting. The transfer ports (data connection ports) need to be opened so the client and server can communicate.

Once the timeout happens here, the error is simply a timeout and is incorrect to go on. The other error about the transfer ports is more correct.

Although, in theory its possible that there could be other reasons than the ports on the server side not being opened. Anything that causes a client to fail to communicate on the data ports can cause it. So, confirming that the ports used for data connection can be used on zap hosting would probably be the first step.

And I get this with 600 seconds from FileZilla

@Guest: After upping the timeout to 600 seconds I get this error

As its FTP, did you try bumping up the WinSCP timeout value? The default timeout values in clients can be far too low depending. This is the first thing one should try for timeout error especially on listing.

On a login > edit > advanced > connection > server response timeout. I randomly set mine to whatever but one I'm looking at is 600 seconds. Depending on what you have, it could technically go past 10 minutes or it could be 10 seconds is all you need. Its something you kind of have to figure out.

If you actually have an high enough timeout then there's other possibilities.





Error listing directory

I've spent the last at least 6 hours trying to set up a FiveM server using zap hosting. It has been nothing but a miserable nightmare since I started. Using WinSCP or FileZilla no matter how many countless things I google and try, I get Error listing directory. I'm beyond frustrated at the lack of answers findable online. If anyone could please help that would be great. Thank you! I DO NOT have an option to download a log of any sort that I see. I've attached screenshots of what it says to me.