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Topic review

My user name here causes

In detail

The original WinSCP directory listing in the right-hand pane is replaced by a single entry for ".." (meaning go back up to the parent directory). So it looks like a directory listing, but no file or directory names appear after the ".." entry. A screenshot showing the error message and the resulting directory listing for the file is attached.

Re: WinSCP cannot open files when user is not root

Please explain in more details, what happens when "the file being treated as a directory name".

WinSCP cannot open files when user is not root

Root SSH access works fine in WinSCP 6.3.3.

However, specifying user spring, with correct user password, allows viewing directories and files on the remote Alma Linux/Webuzo server.

Files can be downloaded successfully.

However, an attempt to double-click a file to open it locally in Notepad fails, with the file being treated as a directory name. This failure does not happen for a site for user root.

User spring has rw access to the file.

The log is attached.