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Topic review


I found the problem. A minor scripting error on my part.
Thank you!

Please post the log and the information I've asked for.

Thank you. The command I'm using is
synchronize remote -delete -resumesupport=on -filemask=*.mp3|*/

But it might make better sense for me to say what I'm looking for!
I want to transfer files from Local to Remote, overwriting any existing files already on Remote, and deleting any files not found on Local. Basically mirror Local to Remote.
I thought the synchronize command would to that, but I reckon I am misreading what synchronize does.

Re: Command line option -remove does not seem to do what I expect

So did you use -delete or -remove?
Anyway, please post a session log file (/log) and give us a name of the file that should have been deleted but was not.

Command line option -remove does not seem to do what I expect

My goal is to remove files from the remote directory that no longer exist in the source directory, but it does not seem to work. The remote folder has a bunch of files that do not exist on the source, and some have been there for quite a while. How can I make this work? Example working (except for -remove) command:
synchronize remote -delete -resumesupport=on -filemask=*.mp3|*/

Thank you!