Thank you.
. Enclosing the PrivateKeyPassphrase
in single quotes vs double quotes solved it and it passes the entire string. Thanks for the suggestion and apologies for not having considered that sooner.
and keep getting the results below from the log file. I've successfully connected with the WinSCP client app using the PPK and the passphrase. I just can't get it to work via the PowerShell script. I'm not sure what I'm missing or should be doing differently.
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = "<my host name>"
UserName = "<myusername>"
PrivateKeyPassphrase = "<mypassphrase>"
SshPrivateKeyPath = "<pathformyPPK>"
SshHostKeyFingerprint = "<ssh rsa fingerprint>"
Reading key file "<pathformyPPK>"
Using username "<myusername>".
Script: Using username "<myusername>".
Server offered these authentication methods: publickey
Offered public key
Offer of public key accepted
Authenticating with public key "<mypublickey>"
Script: Authenticating with public key "<mypublickey>".
Prompt (passphrase, "SSH key passphrase", <no instructions>, "Passphrase for key "<mypublickey>": ")
Using configured passphrase.
Wrong passphrase
Script: Wrong passphrase.