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Re: Issue is resolved

Ok, thanks for info.

Issue is resolved

Guys, sorry for the confusion! It had nothing to do with the WinSCP but was rather a bug in the OpenSSH :(
Thank you for your help!

Session logs

Martin, thank you.
You can see zipped logs at <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
Connecting to the IP displays the version numbers (and obviously considers them as a part of the filename, therefore, listing all versions for every file), while the session with IP does not.
I suspect this is a result of different SSH versions: built-in SSH for the first system, and OpenSSH for the second - but I cannot be sure.
Best regards,

Ok, so please post logs from both.

Martin, thank you! I am aware of this option and made sure it is not checked. Moreover, what I found out that connecting to some OpenVMS stations does not exhibit this problem, while connecting to some – does :(

Cannot restore the file version information in the WinSCP tabs

The OpenVMS specifics is that the filenames contain file version number. I could see them before, but somehow they disappeared. I tried to edit the session's settings in the Session Advanced dialog, but it did not help.
How to restore this option?
Thank you, everyone!