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Re: Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge

@mr_bartleboom: I do not see any "Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge" in your log. Are you sure you have posted the right log?

Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge

I got the same error after months (!!) of successfully uploads using .net.
If I access using the GUI now the root directory shows a subdirectory with the same name (CID).
Also inside the directory where I copied to several times now there is a subdirectory with the same name. If I try to delete the directory it says access forbidden.
Attached the logs

Re: Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

@jdProm: I've sent the debug build to you too.

@j150us: Is it regular/personal OneDrive? Or some business account? Or some Sharepoint?

I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

I get exact same error when accessing OneDrive from WinSCP
Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge

If I click OK all files and directories are displayed except for parent directory name appears among other directories and there is no parent directory icon with an arrow on it and two dots to navigate to parent directory.
If I click parent directory name that appears among the names of its subdirectories I get error message:
Error changing directory to [parent directory name].

I can still download files but If I try to upload something I get error message "Authentication failed".

Re: I have the same problem

@CodeGnome: Where are you connecting to? Please post session log.

I have the same problem

I can browse all directories in the GUI, but I get the error message
Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge

when I try to upload a file.

Re: Same issue here

Do you mean that you can login and browse folders, but you cannot upload? Anywhere? Or to some specific folders only?

Same issue here

I'm having the same error when trying to upload files from local to OneDrive / WebDAV. Has anyone found a solution?

I have the same issue

After I updated the OneDrive application on my Android phone I started to have the same issue with the WebDAV connection in WinSCP.
I still didn't found a solution until now.


I'm sorry, I have no idea.


Yes, I can log in to this account via WinSCP GUI, but when I try to transfer a file from a local folder to the IzvozPodataka folder on OneDrive, I get a '403 Forbidden' error.

Re: Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

Can you login using the transferTest from WinSCP GUI?

Log files


In the attachments, I am providing log files: one for an account with a successful data transfer and the other for an account where there was an error in the data transfer.

Re: Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (

Can you post session log files for both accounts?

Script encountering authentication issues with WebDAV server (


I am trying to transfer SQL files from a local folder to OneDrive using WinSCP with the following batch script:
@echo off
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" ^
  /command ^
    "open davs://" ^
    "put C:\izvoz\*.sql" ^
if %WINSCP_RESULT% equ 0 (
  echo Success
) else (
  echo Error

But I get the following error:
Connecting to host...

Starting the session...
Error changing directory to '/96CD15E62736DEE8/Dokumenti/IzvozPodataka'.
Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: ignored Wlid1.1 challenge
Press any key to continue . . .

I have double-checked the username and password, and they are correct. Can you tell me where the problem might be? The script was running smoothly until about two weeks ago (with the same credentials). As a test, I rewrote this script to upload files to another OneDrive account, and it worked properly. Is there possibly a problem with the account

Thank you!