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Also "because I can delete it manually". What is that? You can use WinSCP by not using the script and delete it or you can go onto the server device and delete it? Big difference.

If you're deleting it from WinSCP or similar then its a script issue. If you're deleting it from the server device then its a script or some related issue on the server side. Most likely. If you can delete it then it shouldn't be a file lock.

Re: Script crashing when failing to delete file?

Sorry, I cannot tell what is happening on the server from the client side log file.
What "the same place"? The same file?

Script crashing when failing to delete file?

With one particular Folder Sync, the script appears to fall over when it fails to delete a remote file.

I don't know why it can't delete it, because I can delete it manually (maybe the remote server has a temp. lock on it, I don't know).

Can you confirm this is what's happening...It's super odd because the script always seems to fail at the same place. Is it possible to have WinSCP Retry or Skip automatically when this happens?

The logs were originally over 4 million lines long. I did my best to sanitize and delete any lines that didn't seem relevant (IE: lines discussing successful copies before the error occurred)

** Initial replies from me will be delayed by several days, but I will respond.