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Re: Automatic Transfer to Azure FTP Server

Sorry, I do not understand, how is this related. Why could you use rm *.filepart only if you could also move the files?
Anyway, see Moving local files to different location after successful upload.

Also, I'm not sure if by "automically" you mean "automatically" or "atomically".

Re: Automatic Transfer to Azure FTP Server

Dear Martin,

thank you for your answer.

I'm thinking about how this would work in my scenario.

Is there an option to automically move the files on source to another location, after they are transferred successfully?

If yes, I could work with the mentioned rm command.

Re: Automatic Transfer to Azure FTP Server

No, there's no "delete" option. But you can delete the .filepart files before the put:
rm *.filepart

Or as your server apparently does not allow the resume, turn it off in the first place:
put -resumesupport=off -nopreservetime -nopermissions *.csv

Automatic Transfer to Azure FTP Server

Dear Experts,

I'm using WinSCP 6.3.4 on Windows Server 2019.
I'm transferring data automated via script from my server to an FTP server inside Microsoft Azure.
Sometimes it happens, that the connection is lost. Therefore I have a reconnect, which retries the connection and continue the transfer. However I get the following error message after reconnection:
The File XXX.csv.filepart can't be overwrited.
General Issue (The Server should provide an error message).
Error Message from Server (en): BlobAlreadyExists: The specified blob already exists.

After that, the following options are available:
delete, cancel, retry, skip, skip all

In batch mode, I can only choose between Cancel or Skip. Is there an option, to choose Delete instead?

I use the following commands inside my script:
option batch continue
option confirm off
lcd "XXX"
put -resumesupport=on -nopreservetime -nopermissions *.csv
lcd "XXX"
put -resumesupport=on -nopreservetime -nopermissions *.csv

Thank you so far.