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Re: Files or Directories starting with a period (.) do not transfer.

The log file does contain any reference to .picasaoriginals directory. There's only C:\$user\1Test\2Test\MyStuff\picasaoriginals.

As for the .picasa.ini: The log shows a successful upload of that file without any file name change. Isn't the name changed by your server? Can you upload the file without its name being changed anyhow? In WinSCP GUI? In any other SFTP client?

Files or Directories starting with a period (.) do not transfer.

Windows 11 WinSCP 6.3.5 Command dialog or batch file with:
  "synchronize remote -delete -criteria=time "%LOCAL_PATH%" "%REMOTE_PATH%"" ^

There are no error messages.
Directories that begin with a . get created without the . (.picasaoriginals to picasaoriginals).
The log file shows the files ok but when I use the WinSCP command dialog the files that start with a . are missing and the directories do not start with a .
Other Files or Directories transfer fine.
Log file without login information attached (Look for directory .picasaoriginals and file .picasa.ini).