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Topic review


@EvilDragon: Thanks for your donation. I've topped up your votes.

I voted, thank you!

Sadly I voted before donating, so it counts as one vote, welp :(

Oh, and of course, Shift+Up/Down being able to deselect as well as select would make me right at home!

Re: Selection option change

Here's another Total Commander user, who is very much missing being able to right-drag select/unselect files as in TC... Explorer style left mouse selection feels a bit unnatural after two decades of using TC (and Reaper DAW, which also uses right drag for marquee selection).

Can this option please be added? Thank you!

Re: Selection option change

Thanks for your suggestion. I'll see if more people ask for this.

Selection option change

I have been a long time user of Total Commander software and the one setting that I am used to is the ability for the right click button to be able select and deselect files. A long hold of the right click button (2–4 seconds) brings up the right click menu for the selection. I noticed you have the ability to turn off the NC selection mode and enable explorer type selection. What I find the NC selection mode lacks, is the ability to use the keyboard and Shift+PgUp and Down to deselect files. It works for selecting files, but then I find that the deselection of files has to be done individually with the Space. Adding the deselect with Shift+PgUp and Down and Shift+Home and End, as well as the ability to deselect files by using the right click button would be a great addition to already great software.