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Topic review


Seems to be a good thing!

Re: ( "Transfer" preferences, I meant)

Thanks for hint. Maybe if more people ask for this... :-)

( "Transfer" preferences, I meant)

...oops, to clarify my above request, I was referring to the "Transfer" settings & Presets in Preferences.

It would be nice to be able to specify that I want all folders to upload with 0711 (rwx--x--x) permissions, and all files to upload with 0644 (rw-r--r--) permissions, rather than having to manually adjust these permissions after upload. Is this possible?

Thanks, and my apologies for not making this clear up front!

allow completely separate permission setting for directories


I very often prefer to have my directory permissions set to 0711 (rwx--x--x), so as to prevent web browsers from listing the directory contents, while still allowing path access to the contents of those directories.

The current WinSCP implementation allows the 'x' to be added automatically to directories, but does not allow me to remove the 'r' from group and other permissions for directories without affecting file permissions as well. Would it be possible to provide an option for selecting file and directory permissions completely separate from one another?
