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Topic review


Well... It was my hope... But You are right. it doesn't.
So, it seems, that topic can't be realized. But if You will correct Terminal, it will be really happy day :mrgreen:
I'd like to say, that it will be much more useful You will spent time in developing Terminal.
I mean
1. Translation support
2. Fonts and colors setup

Splinty wrote:

I mean, that if WinSCP set PUTTYPATH to current path then i can make cd $PUTTYPATH in .bash_profile. Yes, it can fail on SSH-1 servers (reading PuTTY manual) but please, don't regret that idea. It's not so hard to add in default PuTTY connection properties that parameter, right?

If your SSH server supports setting environment variables. I believe that OpenSSH (the most common) does not.

cd "/current/winscp/path/" ; $SHELL -l looks funny :mrgreen:
Environment variables is one more way.
let's try it also.

I mean, that if WinSCP set PUTTYPATH to current path then i can make cd $PUTTYPATH in .bash_profile. Yes, it can fail on SSH-1 servers (reading PuTTY manual) but please, don't regret that idea. It's not so hard to add in default PuTTY connection properties that parameter, right?

Any suggestion how to do that? :-)
WinSCP could add cd command to Connection > SSH > Remote command session option of PuTTY. But it also needs then to start a shell, otherwise PuTTY would exit immediately after issuing cd command.
So something like
cd "/current/winscp/path/" ; $SHELL -l
in Remote command might do the work.
However I'm not sure how much reliable that would be.

This issue has been added to tracker.

Yes, that would be very handy...

Yes, it was the my question. Now i need to copy current WinSCP path (Ctrl-]) and insert into just opened PuTTY session (Ctrl-P) with cd command. Yes, it's not a problem, but it would be very suitable to automate it.

Re: Calling PuTTY: automatic change catalog

Sorry, I do not understand. Do you mean to instruct PuTTY to start in the same working directory as WinSCP is?

Calling PuTTY: automatic change catalog

Does exist a way while calling a PuTTY submit a current catalog from Tree to PuTTY that PuTTY go there? Terminal (Ctrl-T) does it successfully.
It would be a very nice.