I am using WinSCP to transfer files over 4GB using SCP. Is this possible? What problems could I get?
If I attempt to transfer a file from a linux box to a windows box that is larger then 4 GB will WinSCP return an error code?
If I attempt to transfer a file from a linux baox to a windows box that has characters not support by windows does it return an error code?
This is my script:
winscp.exe /console /script=scp.txt /log=log.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo Success
goto end
echo Error!
I am using the winscp stable version 4.1.8. I do care about WinSCP limitations but I care more about the correct error messages. I just want to make sure that I get an error message if WinSCP cannot transfer any files for WHATEVER reason.
Does someone know the answer to these questions?