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Re: Need to answer Yes to cache question submitted in batch mode

Thanks! The ini file worked for me.

Re: Need to answer Yes to cache question submitted in batch mode

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Need to answer Yes to cache question submitted in batch mode

I am using winscp version 4.1.8 build 415. The protocol is SFTP. Here is my problem. I am calling this bat file from a PeopleSoft SQR in process scheduler (batch). /privatekey<path & key.ppk> /log=c:\temp\win.log

Running this on Windows Server 2003. My bat file is set the path to the winscp install directory. The log file indicates it is wanting an input Yes to cache the key. I've tried echo y| for the yes input, but it is not working. How can I get a Yes/Y to the question running this it this way?

I've worked 2 days on this and need help bad!